The Waver Wampool Catchment Project

West Cumbria Rivers Trust (WCRT) is an environmental charity aiming to improve watercourses for people and wildlife in West Cumbria. Works at Percy Hill Farm include measures to reduce silt and nutrients entering the Little Waver.

These works are aimed at improving the water quality and increasing biodiversity along the Little Waver.

Fence off the Little Waver, on both sides to an average width of 5m. over approximately 1.2km. Creating a watering point with two water gates and make the current crossing point into a silt proof crossing by putting concrete railway sleepers down. At two locations riverbank stabilisation was needed. This included re-profiling, brashing/willow stakes, at a total length of 40m.

Planting 300 trees/shrubs in around 0.5ha, with guards and stakes except for alder trees which were planted without guards.

IMG 0465
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