West Cumbria Rivers Trust
Renewing the culvert across Whit Beck with a large diameter pipe (2.1m). Removing approx. 300m³ gravels from upstream of the culvert and using them at a nearby gully erosion stabilisation project. The floodplain was re-graded behind.
• 22 boulder steps created in new meandering channel above the new culvert.
• New 2.1m pipe replaces existing 400mm pipes to allow fish passage to good spawning gravels upstream.
• Stabilising a large scale gully incision caused by high magnitude storm events.
• The steep waterfalls (knickpoints) were regraded using excess gravels from the culvert upgrade.
• Bed check weirs were constructed using fallen trees to help slow the flow of water and reduce erosion.
• Banks were re graded and re seeded and planted with goat willow.
or call the team on 07730 482998